Monday 23 January 2012

Less is more...the bollocks principal!

Before I begin, I just want to clarify...this blog may seem negative but it really is positive.  Hum, lets see...

So the point of discussion today is my frustration/confusion about all the 'less is better' babble that is coming out lately!  I regularly get emails from Amazon (a place, among others I buy books) about new running books.  Every couple of emails there seems to be a different book on running less and how good it is for you!  The main culprit, of all companies to come from is from Runners World.  They have released a book called 'Run Less, Run Faster'.  Now, I am not sure if the bloke who sends out emails for Amazon reads my blog or not (he should) but I am confused...

Then, going back a few months, I got another email about running less, avoid injury, be happy (how does that work by running LESS?!?!) blah blah blah!  

Now, I don't know if it is just me or not, but we humans, as a society are very confused.  We seem so erratic and ass about we don't know if we are coming or going?!  On some aspects we want more and more.  A more 'Easier' way of transport (cars etc), more and larger meals for our dollar, more time at work for more pay, wanting more knowledge but not wanting to do anything about it, more time in front of the TV, more life happiness but not willing to do anything to achieve this.  MORE MORE MORE!!!

Then on the flip-side we want to do less and less, but gain more and more of a reward for our efforts.  Less exercise (magic weight loss cures, ab rollers, loose 5kg in 5days eating grass) for more weight loss, less effort into building a great family and whinging that nothing improves, less to think about because 'it is all too hard', and as a result of our mindnumbingness (yes that is a word, I swear) a less fulfilled life in general!

On the running front and as a runner, I am confused by this modern day train of thought.  Do we not run because we enjoy it?  If you are running and don't enjoy it...are you stupid?!?!  Quit complaining and find something else to do!  We all NEED (yes NEED, we are ment to, believe it or not!) to exercise so you may as well do something you love!  And forgive me if I am trying to be Einstein here, but if we enjoy something, don't we want to do it more and more...not less?!  HUH?!

Now, I understand that when you are starting out running you cant just go out and run 20k (well you could if you wanted to but probably not the best advise!) But come on.... Running is the most primal, beautiful, exciting thing and we want to do it less and less?!  Give me a break!

Now, this is a point for another blog in the near future, and I may be creating some controversialness (yes another word!) here, but I don't believe in over training.  I am a believer in the principal that you do what your body can handle.  And trust me...for 90% of us (me included) this is FAR FAR more than we think, or are told we can or can't do!  I am looking forward to going further and exploring how far I can go...200, 250, 300+ km's per week?!  Who knows what the limit could be!  But, if we don't try, how will we ever know!  I don't know about you but I don't want to leave any stone un-turned in my life, so give it a crack!  For you at your point in life it might be 10k per week, riding for half an hour, walking to work everyday...we are all at different stages in life, that's the beauty of it all!

So I guess, what we all should be doing is flipping the 'MORE's' and 'LESSES' on their heads!  Get more exercise, watch less TV, love more, eat less junk, spend more time with our families, drink more coffee (hay I have to have one vice!), use our cars less, smell more flowers, kiss our partners more, eat more plants and less meat (or none at all!!) care less about trivial crap, use our money more wisely, do more of what matters, focus more on the good things in life than the bad, watch less news cause lets face it, all they show is depression, love God more...and the list goes on!

So to, lets call him 'Bill', at keep sending me those 'Run less, run faster' type emails.  They make me a bit angry, and lets face it, a bit of fire in your belly can be a good thing if used correctly!  Bill keeps me motivated and wanting to run MORE, not less, and keep switching my MORE and LESS's!

Thus ends the babble for this blog.  Keep smiling friends!  Fall over with a kid, do a forward roll or a cartwheel, run with your shoes off, catch a lizard and laugh like a kid!  You deserve it! YES!

Run on!

P.S - Ben (my mate from Rocky) has thrown down the gauntlet in his last blog, without even knowing it!  I set myself some goals at the start of this year, and he just pushed mine a bit further...I now too am aiming for at least 5200km of running this average of 100k per week.  I hope you don't mind me jumping on the band wagon Ben, but it will be fun!  RIP IN MATE, see ya soon!


  1. Hey Mat,
    I take your point and agree with most of this but the run less run faster is not really about running less it's more about running smarter. The program is actually really hard as you're not really running less but doing it in a different way - I have the book if you want to borrow it.
    Happy running Gail

  2. Ive done the "Run Less Run Faster" program and the science makes sense and works BUT running MORE is more fun and has actually made me faster than the RLRF program. There are no short cuts for Ultra running, there might be for half marathons....agree 1000% with the post Mat, now where is my 6 minute Abs video :)
