What up soldiers!? Hope this finds you well and lovin life, even if the weather is stupidly cold! Bring back the heat, tans and shirtless running! As most of you know I have a 13degree rule....under that and I wear a shirt when I train...NOT HAPPY JAN! I find this so restrictive and almost claustrophobic......BRING BACK THE HEAT! Ok, enough of my manic randomness!
So this week has been non-eventful in the running arena. My shoulder/back has still been killer from my stack. I rested for almost a week and decided to start running short on Wednesday...by Thursday my back was pretty darn sore again and saw me back at the doctors and physio today (Friday). The back soreness (the most painful) appears to be just bruising from where I landed on the steps, and I seem to have a minor tear in one of my rotator cuff muscles. I have some exercises to keep me busy, gonna rest for the weekend and hope to be ok enough to get back to training Monday...we'll see! Don't y'all know I have a 100 miler to train for?! No rest for the wicked and even less for the righteous! She'll be right mate!
So, since last weekend and chatting with Coach Jeff, I have been doing a lot of thinking and wanted to put myself out there and share something that I have been wanting to do for a long time and just haven't got to it..for some unknown reason.
For those who know me, I love to help people with their running, weight loss, and general encouragement in all things active/life in general. For these reasons (and many others), I am looking at starting a life coaching business. Now when I say life coach as opposed to run coach, I want to help people physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. Wellness covers all areas, not just a healthy body. I still have to develop a specific business model however here are my initial thoughts...
I would start very low key and hopefully build over time. My main focus would be on new runners, helping them develop specific goals and achieving them. Secondly, weight loss. I am a bit of nazi when it comes to this area (life choices for food/drink consumption) but I believe I have a lot to offer those willing to commit themselves 100%. And lastly, helping people who want to transition from traditional shoes to minimal footwear or barefoot running. This would be done in the way of programs, regular meetings, email support and general life support.
I feel like I am always learning on this beautiful journey through life and have so far to go...however I think from my knowledge, experience, positive attitude, drive and commitment I could really help others improve their lives. This of course all works hand in hand with my studies and will be a very authentic, free flowing experience for anyone who wants to get involved.
So this is where you come in...I have limited time these days and don't want to pour my heart into this if everyone thinks it is a silly idea and would be no need for it. Any advise, opinions and suggestions would be greatly appriciated. Please be honest and open with me and I will consider and ponder all thoughts offered. You have all supported me through this blog and my adventures and I look forward to hearing what you think about my idea/vision! Feel free to contact me on facebook, email (grills_1@hotmail.com) or leave a comment on my blog.
Thanks again to you all. I love you and appreciate your time reading these ramblings. It warms my heart to know that people get something out of what I write and enjoy hearing about the journey's I embark on. THANK YOU! I hope and pray your week is going amazing, keep smiling, tickle a loved one, do something nice for someone without recognition and each day try to do something to make this world a better place! Stay true friends, run free. Live long, run on, PLANT STRONG!
Thursday, 20 June 2013
Saturday, 15 June 2013
Bundy's Biggest Fattest Ass!
Well what a week it has been! Excitement, disappointment and a whole lot of fun!
First up, Run for the Sun! I was going ripper, great guns and had completed 322km in 13days...160km in week one and with one day to go to complete 180km in week two. All working toward my goal of 700km for the month....until Thursday night...I was at work, coming down some stairs to finish for the night, slipped on a wet step and landed straight on my back/right shoulder blade and slid down about seven steps! I lay stunned for a while, got taken home, then straight to the hospital nearly vomiting from the pain in my shoulder blade. After a long night at hospital, a ton of morphine, endone, ultrasounds, x-rays and general attention, I was sent home. Long story short is I do not have a fracture like first thought however VERY sore, swollen and sorry for myself. My arm is in a sling and I am still in a fair chunk of pain, unable to run for a few days at least. It will be a day by day assessment of how the pain is as far as when I can get back to running and out of the sling, but for now, rest! BOO! Sometimes forced rest can be a blessing though right?!
Ok, enough of the negative...the main event for the week...Bundy's first Fat Ass run! So, the suspense was building and the location of the start was announced on Saturday morning. We met up with Coach Jeff and Mrs Coach who had travelled from Brisbane for the event and headed to the start line, not knowing really what to expect. We were all set for an 11am start, not really knowing how many people would show. As the start grew closer, a group of about 43-45 runners showed up, all very excited and with beautiful positive, nervous attitudes for a ripper day out! Obviously, not being able to run was very disappointing however was fun to experience a race from more of a directors point of view than a runners. After some last minute instructions, a presentation to Coach Jeff of a Garmin watch for all his hard work and commitment to running in Australia, the crew were off on three, five or seven loops of a 7.2km trail circuit.
Upon completion of the first lap, a few went the wrong way, but quickly were given the proper directions. Different groups and individuals came in and all seemed to be smiling, even in the muddy conditions. As the afternoon went on, the laps continued, the drinks flowed, beautiful home made food was eaten and laughter of mishaps, stacks and good times followed. Everyone seemed to be having a super time and setting their own goals to achieve, many of them PB's.
Some of the standouts were Sherry, Keph, Dad and Jodie (who had never run further than 20km) completing the 'just over 50km course'. Jade and Holly completing 30km when the furthest they had run was 20km on Show holiday only a few weeks prior. Liam completing a PB of 35km and a number of others doing new distances and achieving what they previously thought was not possible. I am sorry if I have missed you, and I don't mean at all to lessen your achievements, I just can't remember everyone's goals, names or results! I think the pain killers were numbing my brain!
All in all, I think it was a natural, authentic, fun, challenging, new experience for all! It was an honour and a privilege to be able to rally together the troops for the first of many Bundy's Fat Ass events. You are ALL champions in my books!!! I can not wait for more of these to happen and the cogs are already turning in my brain as to what we might be able to do next!
Today, Sunday, then saw a number of us head to Bargara for a chilly, but beautiful BBQ breakfast by the beach. It was awesome to chat, laugh and have a great time catching with new and old friends. Overall, I can only speak for myself and from what comments I have seen on the Fat Ass page and Bundy Road Runners page, but everyone had an amazing, fun filled weekend...THANK YOU ALL!
A few more thank you's....Bundy Brewed Drinks (Alex and Casey for teeing it up) for the soft drinks provided. Chris, my sponsor at the Mower Doctor, Walker Street for the beers. Anyone who donated money to my friend Lee, we will be giving $30 to the charities that supported his family through the horrible time after losing their son to still birth. Anyone who donated money toward Coach's present. Andrew, Sherry and Coach for promoting the event. Ian for the awesome photos. Those who brought food to share. Everyone who turned up and made the day fantastic! Your all amazing, beautiful and inspiring humans!!
So, lastly, hopefully the TattooRunner will be back on the roads sooner rather than later cause I got some running to do! I again thank you all and love you all from the bottom of my heart! For those who didn't turn up, YOU MISSED OUT!!!
Keep strong my friends, run free, be kind to each other, love life and eat plants! Peace out...
PS - By popular demand, here is Jades AMAZING vegan brownie recipe. If you didn't try it, do yourself a favour and make this, it was INCREDIBLE! I will also be getting Nix vegan carrot cake recipe as it was also beautiful! Stay tuned for that one! YUM!
Jades Gooey Chocolate Brownies
1 can of chickpeas
1 jar of apple sauce
Half cup of rice syrup
One third cup of chia seeds
One and a half to two cups of dark chocolate
Two cups almond meal
Half cup cranberries
One cup flaked coconut to coat the brownies in
Blend chick peas, chia seeds, apple sauce and rice syrup. Melt chocolate. Pour the chick pea mix into the melted choc. Add the almond meal and cranberries. The mix should be thick. If it is runny, add more almond meal. Bake till firm but still with some give in a 180 degree oven. It will take a while to cook. If the top starts to cook too much, put a sheet of baking paper on top to protect it. Eat and enjoy vegan goodness!!!
Busted but not broken! |
The way we roll in Bundy, a tow ball for a hammer! |
Ok, enough of the negative...the main event for the week...Bundy's first Fat Ass run! So, the suspense was building and the location of the start was announced on Saturday morning. We met up with Coach Jeff and Mrs Coach who had travelled from Brisbane for the event and headed to the start line, not knowing really what to expect. We were all set for an 11am start, not really knowing how many people would show. As the start grew closer, a group of about 43-45 runners showed up, all very excited and with beautiful positive, nervous attitudes for a ripper day out! Obviously, not being able to run was very disappointing however was fun to experience a race from more of a directors point of view than a runners. After some last minute instructions, a presentation to Coach Jeff of a Garmin watch for all his hard work and commitment to running in Australia, the crew were off on three, five or seven loops of a 7.2km trail circuit.
Some of the standouts were Sherry, Keph, Dad and Jodie (who had never run further than 20km) completing the 'just over 50km course'. Jade and Holly completing 30km when the furthest they had run was 20km on Show holiday only a few weeks prior. Liam completing a PB of 35km and a number of others doing new distances and achieving what they previously thought was not possible. I am sorry if I have missed you, and I don't mean at all to lessen your achievements, I just can't remember everyone's goals, names or results! I think the pain killers were numbing my brain!
Pretty good set up for a Fat Ass |
Today, Sunday, then saw a number of us head to Bargara for a chilly, but beautiful BBQ breakfast by the beach. It was awesome to chat, laugh and have a great time catching with new and old friends. Overall, I can only speak for myself and from what comments I have seen on the Fat Ass page and Bundy Road Runners page, but everyone had an amazing, fun filled weekend...THANK YOU ALL!
A few more thank you's....Bundy Brewed Drinks (Alex and Casey for teeing it up) for the soft drinks provided. Chris, my sponsor at the Mower Doctor, Walker Street for the beers. Anyone who donated money to my friend Lee, we will be giving $30 to the charities that supported his family through the horrible time after losing their son to still birth. Anyone who donated money toward Coach's present. Andrew, Sherry and Coach for promoting the event. Ian for the awesome photos. Those who brought food to share. Everyone who turned up and made the day fantastic! Your all amazing, beautiful and inspiring humans!!
So, lastly, hopefully the TattooRunner will be back on the roads sooner rather than later cause I got some running to do! I again thank you all and love you all from the bottom of my heart! For those who didn't turn up, YOU MISSED OUT!!!
PS - By popular demand, here is Jades AMAZING vegan brownie recipe. If you didn't try it, do yourself a favour and make this, it was INCREDIBLE! I will also be getting Nix vegan carrot cake recipe as it was also beautiful! Stay tuned for that one! YUM!
Jades Gooey Chocolate Brownies
1 can of chickpeas
1 jar of apple sauce
Half cup of rice syrup
One third cup of chia seeds
One and a half to two cups of dark chocolate
Two cups almond meal
Half cup cranberries
One cup flaked coconut to coat the brownies in
Blend chick peas, chia seeds, apple sauce and rice syrup. Melt chocolate. Pour the chick pea mix into the melted choc. Add the almond meal and cranberries. The mix should be thick. If it is runny, add more almond meal. Bake till firm but still with some give in a 180 degree oven. It will take a while to cook. If the top starts to cook too much, put a sheet of baking paper on top to protect it. Eat and enjoy vegan goodness!!!
Sunday, 9 June 2013
Mixed bag of good times!
Well, this week has been super exciting for me on a number of levels! Friday marked the end of exams and the end of my first term of Uni. It has been an extremely busy 13-14weeks and one that has been both challenging and enjoyable. I'm reckon I have done enough to pass all of my subjects, but for now will be enjoying the three week break from classes and study. How will I be doing this? Catching up with friends I have neglected over the term (sorry guys!), spending time with my beautiful family, A LOT of running, naps and reading! Can not wait! I just want to thank everyone close to me, particularly my wife Tegan for the support you have been over this term. I know it hasn't been easy at times and I haven't been as present as I would have liked to have been, but so goes the life of uni, working to support a family and training for ultra marathons! THANKS!
The first of June also marked the start of Coach Jeff's Run for the Sun! It is a super initiative to get people active during the whole month of June, encouraging them to run every day, a minimum of a mile (1.6km). I have set myself some extremely lofty goals for the month and hoping to set a very high record for the most kilometres covered. Some of the goals will be personal milestones and I can not wait to keep chugging along, racking up the k's. First week - 160km and on track! If you want to find out more, check out http://www.coachjeff.com.au/ and if you want to follow my progress for this event, or just my training in general, Ï log my training on Running Ahead and my user name is Tattoo Runner...this link may work?? http://www.runningahead.com/logs/7d2d047951454b8ea9b8907291e6a1a9
Now that Uni is finished, I am also very much looking forward to this weekends first Bundy's Fat Ass event! It has created quite a bit of interest throughout the running community here and I cant wait for it to all pan out and enjoy the day with friends and new friends Ill meet. For any of you reading this that are going to take part, please keep a close eye on the Facebook updates this week as there will be some important information sent through there about the day. YES! What fun it is going to be!
Well guys, this is just a quick snappy catch up to let y'all know where I'm at and say g'day. I hope and pray you're all going well, training hard, loving life and being kind to one another and see ya soon!!
The first of June also marked the start of Coach Jeff's Run for the Sun! It is a super initiative to get people active during the whole month of June, encouraging them to run every day, a minimum of a mile (1.6km). I have set myself some extremely lofty goals for the month and hoping to set a very high record for the most kilometres covered. Some of the goals will be personal milestones and I can not wait to keep chugging along, racking up the k's. First week - 160km and on track! If you want to find out more, check out http://www.coachjeff.com.au/ and if you want to follow my progress for this event, or just my training in general, Ï log my training on Running Ahead and my user name is Tattoo Runner...this link may work?? http://www.runningahead.com/logs/7d2d047951454b8ea9b8907291e6a1a9
Now that Uni is finished, I am also very much looking forward to this weekends first Bundy's Fat Ass event! It has created quite a bit of interest throughout the running community here and I cant wait for it to all pan out and enjoy the day with friends and new friends Ill meet. For any of you reading this that are going to take part, please keep a close eye on the Facebook updates this week as there will be some important information sent through there about the day. YES! What fun it is going to be!
Well guys, this is just a quick snappy catch up to let y'all know where I'm at and say g'day. I hope and pray you're all going well, training hard, loving life and being kind to one another and see ya soon!!
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