Saturday, 25 February 2012'll enrich your life!

Give me an E....for Encouragement...a word that goes entirely underrated in today's society!  (Notice how I 'Encouraged you to join in straight up'...oh so sneeky!)

Recently a couple of my mates from church have gotten into some running.  They are training for the Gold Coast (not sure which events yet?!) and are doing a great job.  One of them has run a little...very inconstantly and the other is completely new to running.  Both are now being consistent with their training which is super!  I have been doing some running with them too and also been running with a few other local runners, newish to endurance events and I have been trying to help them along.

Life in today's society is so focused on the negative and ourselves that we often need a little kick in the backside to see through the haze.  Let me just say that your life could be, I would say surely would be, enriched if you encourage someone today!

Often in running it is tough as we run at 'our pace' and find it frustrating and difficult running at another persons slower pace.  I have come to learn over time though that this is so very important, not only for the 'slower' person but also for your mental strength!  By running with other and encouraging them to a) get out running and b) make them push themselves, it will make your heart smile to see others achieve.  Today I saw two of my friends Jodie and Matt achieve personal bests in both running time and distance!  TOPS!!!  I truly believe that it is far, far more important for us to sacrifice one or two runs a week to get a new, slower, not as strong mentally, struggling for motivation etc friend out of the house and running with you (all be it at a slower pace than you are used to) than your running alone and your mate either run alone slowly or worse, not run at all!

There are many, many things in life more important than self or ego and helping those around us is way further up the list than these things!  Now this doesn't even just apply to running, obviously!  Encourage someone someone up, try to be more positive today than yesterday, smile more, help someone, say something nice when someone says something nasty (oh they will find it so frustrating!)  There are plenty of haters in this world so lets try to make a difference, one person at a time, one thought at a time, one action at a time!  A challenge, maybe, but all be it a healthy, honest one!

Diverting on the last couple of weeks.  After my little hospital visit, my toe has slowly healed.  The skin is still tender however is on the mend.  This week I have done almost 100k both barefoot and in sandals so things are looking up.

I have also made a big decision last week.  As most of you know I am still training for the Cooks Tour 50mile race in May.  I have also now decided to train for my first completely barefoot marathon!  I am doing the beginners program for the Gold Coast Marathon barefoot and then making up the rest of my k's each week in my sandals.  It will prove to be a challenge but one that I am very excited about!

Now that I am almost back to full strength, I have also decided to start my 100miles per week (160k) for 10weeks tomorrow!  I know this is a big challenge but one that I am going to strangle the life out of!  I am hoping to throw a couple of 200k weeks (well try to anyway!) in there as well so it should be fun!  LOADS of running and LOADS of good times!

Well that about wraps things up this week!  I have had a really positive week this week, making some new friends online who are super athletes and meeting some amazing new local friends!  I pray that your day and week ahead is full of smiles, good times, challenges, stupid amounts of running, love, friendship and nature!  Keep living life to the full and moving forward friends!  Love you all!

Run on...

PS - A massive congratulations to our good friend Nix who this week got engaged to our new friend Andrew!  (Sorry boys you missed out!)  Tegs and I are so amazingly happy for you both and pray that God will bless your socks off!  AWESOME!  

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