Thursday 24 November 2011

Wednesday 9 November 2011


Whats up my friends!?  Well I am a little excited today as it is my birthday!  Now before I start my rambling, I just want to clarify that this is not meant to be a negative blog, but more a reflection on things...we'll see how we go!

So today I am 29years old and start my last year in my 20's!  It is a strange feeling but not really one that is bad?  As time moves on, we all get older.  I think the more we can accept that, the better we will be!  I look forward to the future with my wonderful family and friends and starting to get into the peak years for an ultra runner (mid 30's to mid 40's)  I think there is a fine line between growing old gracefully and going to extreme lengths to cover up the years of life lived and experiences had!  I know I am not at the point of 'showing my age' particularly yet, but just saying!  I am sure I will be there before I realize 

Though out my life so far, I have done some amazing, incredible things!  Those who know me well, know that I have no regrets in life.  I believe that life is about learning experiences and that everything happens for a reason!  If things happen that might not have turned out the way you or I would have liked, learn from it, move on and become a better, stronger, more resilient person!  Life is about living and making each day better than the last!

In saying that, I have had plenty of learning experiences in my 28years on earth!  As of late, there are a few things that I want to make better in my life, particularly to do with running/diet.  If we dont want to improve, whats the point?!  One of my friends latley gave me a saying C or D (Change or Die!)  How appropriate!  Lets adapt, change and improve!  I have become sick of being stuck on the carousel so to speak and making the same basic errors over and over.  So...without telling too much, I have decided to make the 29th year of my life...before I reach the big 3-0, a turning point in who I am and what I do.  I will release bits of information as time goes on, but I really want to see some major changes personally in this year ahead.  To the common person, the changes probably done seem significant, however to me, they will be important.  Stay tuned for the next year!  HA!

I know a lot of people that I know probably think that I put far too much time, effort and living into running.  Let me explain a little.  Running to me is my haven.  Life is SO buzy, it is the time that I can think about everything, or think about nothing.  I can solve the worlds problems in my head, or float along.  It is my resolve!  Running makes me, and I believe it could make you too, a better person.  It improves my friendships, health, marriage  parenting, day to day living, work, mental state (although some would disagree on that one!)...every fascist of my life! There is something mesmerizing, basic, spiritual, releasing, calming, clearing, loving about the simple art of putting one foot in front of the other!  This is our most basic, first sport!  Humans have been relishing in the art of running since we were created by God, and EVERYONE can do it, I truly believe that!  As a side point too, this is a big reason why I dont listen to music when I run.  Life is so 'noisy' why would I want to ruin the experience I have explained in short with more noise?!  Listen to nature, your breathing, foot falls...get in touch with the world we live in instead of just flying by it!

So when people say or think that I spend too much time running, trust me, if I didn't, I don't think I would be very enjoyable to be around.  It is my passion and a basic, primal love.  So I hope and pray that this year will be a great, challenging, rewarding and blessed one for me!  I hope that you will notice small changes in the way I am/live.  Life is an amazing journey and one that deserves to be sucked dry of everything it is worth!

If you are not trying to be a better person every day, and are just floating along in life...make a change today! Do something different, make life count, we only have it once!

I love you all friends and I am so blessed to have known you all for a short, or long time, depending on where I met you in my life journey!  Lets live, love, smile and make the most of what we have!  I cant wait to spend my 29th year alive with you all in one way or another!  Go for a run today for me, even if it is to the corner and back, you never know, you might catch the bug!

Love life, smile big and run on friends!


Friday 4 November 2011

Remembering yesteryear...

When I was young (cause I am so old now...turning 29 on Thursday!) I used to run shorter distances, and at a reasonable pace.  As time has evolved, I have run further and further and hope to continue to do so for many years to come.  Well, today, I remembered why I stopped with the short stuff!

It was the second of a three race series in Bundy called the Lighthouse Series.  Once again I lined up for the 10k.  MUCH shorter than I have become accustomed to running these days!  I was once again shod in my sandals ready to go.  I didn't really plan on running too quick and started at the back of the pack.  I set off at a comfortable pace and after a couple of k's was feeling pretty good.  I also noticed Dad a couple of hundred meters ahead of me.  At about the three or four k mark, I decided to get into it and try to catch the old bull.

Now let me just say, I have been running about 4 or 5 years now, and I can not remember EVER beating Dad in a race... (oh, that is a lie, I beat him at the North Face, I seem to have a better shot at him over long Ultras.  He always smokes me in races up to and including marathons)

So anyway, after just completing 'Macca' Chris McCormack's book, I had a upsurge of competitiveness.  Dad was running at a good pace and it would take some doing to beat the bloke.  The first 5k was into a decent head wind and I seemed to maintain a gap of 100-meters behind him.  At the turn, we had a tail wind and it was HOT...time to put the hammer down (I kept dreaming I was in Kona!  Ok, maybe not that hot!)!  I made a plan in my head to catch him by the 8k mark.  I slowly chipped away at him, gaining about 20m - 50m per k, pushing myself to a limit I have not reached for a LONG time!  I slowly managed to bridge the gap by just after the 8k point...SHOWTIME!

Macca explains in his book that often when you make the 'chase', athletes will then run alongside the person they had caught and mentally they are then gone as they think the job is done.  Macca says that once you catch the leader (Dad in my case) either 1) make a comment to hurt them mentally (not in my interest, hes the BOSS!) and 2) don't slow to level with them, run straight by them, and break them with a pace they can't handle.  This was my plan.  Upon catching Dad, there was a slight rise...GO!  I got into it and moved quick.  I would like to have seen my heart was going!

Anyway, the Boss kept at his already quick pace and I pushed hard on ahead.  I had a look over my shoulder at the 9k mark and couldn't slow much, he was still there!  I was hurting in the last k but I pushed it home.  I managed to finish the race in 46.20min...I carn't remember running that fast for a LONG time!  Dad finished in 47.03min...not far behind!  I was spent!  The 'race' was of course all in good fun, and it felt great to get a hand shake and smile from the Boss across the line for a job well done!  Where we usually run side by side, a bit of healthy competition doesn't go astray from time to time!  I dont know if I will be running that quick again for a while...think I prefer the 24hour plus zone!     

The event was again a great success and it was great to see a lot of faces I haven't seen in a while!  A big thanks to Sherry and the Bundy Road Runners crew.  Without volunteers, stuff dosent get done!  It was awesome to have some good conversation after the race and catch up with old friends!

Well done to all, another super day/event.  Again the sandals came and saw, and today, at least for one day 'flew'...well in my little world anyway!  Thanks Boss for pushing me...I might feel it on our 20k'er tomorrow!

Keep smiling friends.  Life is good, make this day count!  Keep putting one foot in front of the other...otherwise you will be moving backwards!  Until next time...

Run on...

P.S - I have found a rickshaw!  Thanks to my friends who have helped with research!  It is actually a pony cart at a horse place in Landsborough, just gotta get down to check it out and save some pennies!  Good times!